On the 12th July 2023, the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero granted Hornsea Four Offshore Wind Farm consent. Here, you can read the associated decision documents.
Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Decision Letter
Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report Volume 1
Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report Volume 2
Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report Volume 3
These documents can also be viewed on the Planning Inspectorate’s website (https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/yorkshire-and-the-humber/hornsea-project-four-offshore-wind-farm/?ipcsection=overview), as well as the documents produced as part of the application, and any further information submitted during the examination and determination periods.
‘In accordance with Section 134(7) of the Planning Act 2008, Orsted Hornsea Project Four (UK) Limited has published a notice of authorisation of compulsory acquisition.
Notice of Authorisation of Compulsory Acquisition Under Section 134(7) of the Planning Act 2008