Preliminary Environmental
Information Report (PEIR)
Volume 1: Introduction, Project Design and Policy Context
Site Selection and Consideration of Alternatives
Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology
Volume 2: Offshore Environmental Assessment
Marine Geology, Oceanography and Physical Processes
Benthic and Intertidal Ecology
Offshore and Intertidal Ornithology
Seascape, Landscape and Visual Resources
Infrastructure and Other Users
Volume 3: Onshore Environmental Assessment
Ecology and Nature Conservation
Volume 4: Introductory Annexes
Volume 4: Site Selection and Consideration of Alternatives
Grid Connection and Refinement of the Cable Landfall
Selection and Refinement of the Offshore Infrastructure
Selection and Refinement of the Onshore Infrastructure
Volume 4: Project Description Annexes
Dredging and Disposal (Site Characterisation)
Outline Design Vision Statement
Volume 4: Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology Annexes
Location of Offshore Cumulative Schemes
Location of Onshore Cumulative Schemes
Volume 5: Offshore Annexes
Marine Processes Technical Report
Benthic and Intertidal Ecology Technical Report
Water Framework Directive Assessment
Marine Conservation Zone Assessment
Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Report
Marine Mammal Technical Report
Offshore and Intertidal Ornithology Baseline Characterisation Report
Offshore Ornithology Displacement Analysis
Offshore Ornithology Collision Risk Modelling
Commercial Fisheries Technical Report
Aviation and Radar Technical Report
Marine Archaeology Technical Report
Seascape, Landscape and Visual Resources Technical Report
Seascape, Landscape and Visual Resources Visualisations
Volume 6: Onshore Annexes
Land Quality Preliminary Risk Assessment
Geomorphological Baseline Survey Report
Onshore Infrastructure Flood Risk Assessment
Water Framework Directive Compliance Assessment
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report
Onshore Ornithology - Wintering and Migratory Birds Survey Report
Great Crested Newt Environmental DNA (eDNA) Survey Report
Landscape and Visual Resources: Photography and Photomontages
Historic Environment Desk Based Assessment
Aerial Photographic and Lidar Assessment (Interim Report) Technical Report
Priority Archaeological Geophysical Survey
Geoarchaeological Desk Based Assessment
Traffic and Transport Technical Report
Socio-economics Technical Report
Plans and Drawings
Location Plan Offshore and Onshore
Onshore Historic or Scheduled Monument Sites Plan
Onshore Statutory and Non-Statutory Nature Conservation Sites
Offshore Statutory and Non-Statutory Nature Conservation Sites
Indicative Extent of Marine Licences
Additional Application Information
Protocols, Plans and Strategies
Outline Code of Construction Practice (Including Outline Construction Traffic and Travel Plan)
Outline Ecological Management Plan
Outline Marine Written Scheme of Investigation